twistedsnmp.logs | index /home/mcfletch/pylive/twistedsnmp/ |
Logging facilities for TwistedSNMP
We're using standard Python logging because that's what the
application in which TwistedSNMP is used (by it's author)
uses. This module injects getException as a classmethod
on Logger objects, and makes err a synonym for error.
After that's done, we just define a number of standard logs
to be used throughout the TwistedSNMP empire :) . Each uses
the prefix 'twsnmp.' for the logging name.
XXX If there's a decent standard logging to twisted logging
bridge, should use that...
Modules | ||||||
Functions | ||
Data | ||
agentprotocol_log = <logging.Logger instance> agentproxy_log = <logging.Logger instance> massretriever_log = <logging.Logger instance> protocol_log = <logging.Logger instance> tableretriever_log = <logging.Logger instance> |