| |
- BitString(SimpleAsn1Object, BitStringMixIn)
- BitString(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, BitString)
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn(ProtoVersionIdMixInBase)
- ApplicationSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- BitString(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, BitString)
- Bits(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, OctetString)
- Choice(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- ApplicationSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- ObjectSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- SimpleSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- Counter32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Counter)
- Counter64(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Counter)
- Gauge32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Gauge)
- Unsigned32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Gauge32)
- Integer(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Integer)
- Integer32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Integer)
- Integer32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Integer)
- IpAddress(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, IpAddress)
- Null(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Null)
- ObjectIdentifier(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, ObjectIdentifier)
- ObjectName(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, ObjectIdentifier)
- ObjectName(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, ObjectIdentifier)
- ObjectSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- OctetString(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, OctetString)
- Bits(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, OctetString)
- Opaque(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Opaque)
- Sequence(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Sequence)
- SequenceOf(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, SequenceOf)
- SimpleSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- TimeTicks(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, TimeTicks)
- Unsigned32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Gauge32)
- Choice(ChoiceMixIn, ProtoVersionId1MixIn, Choice)
- Choice(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- ApplicationSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- ObjectSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- SimpleSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice)
- Counter(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, Integer)
- Counter32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Counter)
- Counter64(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Counter)
- Gauge(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, Integer)
- Gauge32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Gauge)
- Unsigned32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Gauge32)
- Integer(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, Integer)
- Integer(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Integer)
- Integer32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Integer)
- IpAddress(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, OctetString)
- IpAddress(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, IpAddress)
- Null(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, Null)
- Null(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Null)
- ObjectIdentifier(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, ObjectIdentifier)
- ObjectIdentifier(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, ObjectIdentifier)
- ObjectName(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, ObjectIdentifier)
- OctetString(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, OctetString)
- OctetString(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, OctetString)
- Bits(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, OctetString)
- Opaque(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, OctetString)
- Opaque(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Opaque)
- Sequence(SequenceMixIn, ProtoVersionId1MixIn, Sequence)
- Sequence(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Sequence)
- SequenceOf(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, SequenceOf)
- SequenceOf(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, SequenceOf)
- TimeTicks(ProtoVersionId1MixIn, Integer)
- TimeTicks(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, TimeTicks)
class ApplicationSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice) |
Constructed objects |
- Method resolution order:
- ApplicationSyntax
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Choice
- Choice
- ChoiceMixIn
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Choice
- ChoiceTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- ChoiceMixIn
- SingleFixedTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes defined here:
- choiceComponents = [<class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.IpAddress>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Counter32>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.TimeTicks>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Opaque>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Counter64>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Unsigned32>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Gauge32>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Bits>]
- choiceNames = ['ipAddress_value', 'counter_value', 'timeticks_value', 'arbitrary_value', 'big_counter_value', 'unsigned_integer_value', 'gauge32_value', 'bits_value']
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Methods inherited from ChoiceMixIn:
- apiAlphaGetCurrentComponent(self)
- apiAlphaGetTerminalValue(self)
- apiAlphaSetTerminalValue(self, value)
- getTerminal = apiAlphaGetTerminalValue(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Choice:
- tagCategory = 4
Methods inherited from ChoiceTypeAsn1Object:
- __delitem__(self, key)
- Delete component by key
- __init__(self, **kwargs)
- Store dictionary args
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- Set component by key & value
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, key)
Data and other attributes inherited from ChoiceTypeAsn1Object:
- initialComponent = None
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __getitem__(self, key)
- Return component by key
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __len__(self)
- Get length of the object
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- get(self, key, default=None)
- Lookup by key with default
- has_key(self, key)
- Return true if key exists
- items(self)
- Return a list of tuples (key, value)
- keys(self)
- Return a list of keys
- update(self, dict)
- Merge dict to ourselves
- values(self)
- Return a list of values
Data and other attributes inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- tagFormat = 32
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- allowedTypes = ()
- constraints = ()
- tagClass = 0
- tagId = None
Methods inherited from SingleFixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
- berEncodeWOutSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which do *not* have a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- berEncodeWSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which *have* a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- encode = berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
Methods inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- berUnwrapHeader(self, input)
- Decode BER header, return (data, rest)
- berWrapHeader(self, input)
- Add BER header to data chunk if needed
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class BitString(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, BitString) |
SMI BIT STRING data type (defined by obsolete rfc1442,
implemented for backward compatibility). |
- Method resolution order:
- BitString
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- BitString
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- BitStringMixIn
- OctetStringMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from BitString:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'str'>,)
- tagId = 3
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- initialValue = None
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- constraints = ()
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Bits(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, OctetString) |
SMI BITS object |
- Method resolution order:
- Bits
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- OctetString
- OctetString
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- OctetString
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- OctetStringMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from OctetString:
- constraints = (<function _ValueSizeConstraint>,)
Methods inherited from OctetString:
- __add__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __getitem__(self, i)
- Get string component by index or slice
- __len__(self)
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __radd__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
Data and other attributes inherited from OctetString:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'str'>,)
- initialValue = ''
- tagId = 4
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Choice(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice) |
ASN.1 CHOICE clause |
- Method resolution order:
- Choice
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Choice
- ChoiceMixIn
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Choice
- ChoiceTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- ChoiceMixIn
- SingleFixedTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Methods inherited from ChoiceMixIn:
- apiAlphaGetCurrentComponent(self)
- apiAlphaGetTerminalValue(self)
- apiAlphaSetTerminalValue(self, value)
- getTerminal = apiAlphaGetTerminalValue(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Choice:
- tagCategory = 4
Methods inherited from ChoiceTypeAsn1Object:
- __delitem__(self, key)
- Delete component by key
- __init__(self, **kwargs)
- Store dictionary args
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- Set component by key & value
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, key)
Data and other attributes inherited from ChoiceTypeAsn1Object:
- choiceComponents = []
- choiceNames = []
- initialComponent = None
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __getitem__(self, key)
- Return component by key
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __len__(self)
- Get length of the object
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- get(self, key, default=None)
- Lookup by key with default
- has_key(self, key)
- Return true if key exists
- items(self)
- Return a list of tuples (key, value)
- keys(self)
- Return a list of keys
- update(self, dict)
- Merge dict to ourselves
- values(self)
- Return a list of values
Data and other attributes inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- tagFormat = 32
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- allowedTypes = ()
- constraints = ()
- tagClass = 0
- tagId = None
Methods inherited from SingleFixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
- berEncodeWOutSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which do *not* have a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- berEncodeWSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which *have* a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- encode = berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
Methods inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- berUnwrapHeader(self, input)
- Decode BER header, return (data, rest)
- berWrapHeader(self, input)
- Add BER header to data chunk if needed
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Counter32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Counter) |
SNMP Counter32 object |
- Method resolution order:
- Counter32
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Counter
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Integer
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- IntegerMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Counter:
- constraints = (<function _ValueRangeConstraint>,)
- tagClass = 64
- tagId = 1
Methods inherited from Integer:
- __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __div__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __float__(self)
- Return a floating point value of ourselves
- __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- __iand__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation against ourselves
- __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __ilshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __imod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
- __int__(self)
- Return an integer value of ourselves
- __ior__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation against ourselves
- __ipow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for x**=y
- __irshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- __ixor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation against ourselves
- __long__(self)
- Return a long integer value of ourselves
- __lshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __pow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for pow()
- __radd__ = __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __rand__ = __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __rdiv__(self, value)
- Divide ourselves by value
- __rmod__ = __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __ror__ = __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __rpow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for rpow()
- __rshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __rsub__(self, value)
- Subscract our value from given one
- __rxor__ = __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- __sub__(self, value)
- Subscract a value
- __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- dec = __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- div = __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- inc = __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- mul = __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
Data and other attributes inherited from Integer:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>)
- initialValue = 0L
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Counter64(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Counter) |
SMI Counter64 object |
- Method resolution order:
- Counter64
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Counter
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Integer
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- IntegerMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes defined here:
- constraints = (<function _ValueRangeConstraint>,)
- tagId = 6
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Counter:
- tagClass = 64
Methods inherited from Integer:
- __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __div__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __float__(self)
- Return a floating point value of ourselves
- __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- __iand__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation against ourselves
- __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __ilshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __imod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
- __int__(self)
- Return an integer value of ourselves
- __ior__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation against ourselves
- __ipow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for x**=y
- __irshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- __ixor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation against ourselves
- __long__(self)
- Return a long integer value of ourselves
- __lshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __pow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for pow()
- __radd__ = __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __rand__ = __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __rdiv__(self, value)
- Divide ourselves by value
- __rmod__ = __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __ror__ = __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __rpow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for rpow()
- __rshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __rsub__(self, value)
- Subscract our value from given one
- __rxor__ = __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- __sub__(self, value)
- Subscract a value
- __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- dec = __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- div = __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- inc = __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- mul = __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
Data and other attributes inherited from Integer:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>)
- initialValue = 0L
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Gauge32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Gauge) |
SNMP Gauge object |
- Method resolution order:
- Gauge32
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Gauge
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Integer
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- IntegerMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Gauge:
- constraints = (<function _ValueRangeConstraint>,)
- tagClass = 64
- tagId = 2
Methods inherited from Integer:
- __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __div__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __float__(self)
- Return a floating point value of ourselves
- __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- __iand__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation against ourselves
- __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __ilshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __imod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
- __int__(self)
- Return an integer value of ourselves
- __ior__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation against ourselves
- __ipow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for x**=y
- __irshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- __ixor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation against ourselves
- __long__(self)
- Return a long integer value of ourselves
- __lshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __pow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for pow()
- __radd__ = __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __rand__ = __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __rdiv__(self, value)
- Divide ourselves by value
- __rmod__ = __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __ror__ = __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __rpow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for rpow()
- __rshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __rsub__(self, value)
- Subscract our value from given one
- __rxor__ = __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- __sub__(self, value)
- Subscract a value
- __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- dec = __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- div = __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- inc = __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- mul = __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
Data and other attributes inherited from Integer:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>)
- initialValue = 0L
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Integer(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Integer) |
SMI INTEGER data type |
- Method resolution order:
- Integer
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Integer
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Integer
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- IntegerMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes defined here:
- constraints = (<function _ValueRangeConstraint>,)
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Methods inherited from Integer:
- __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __div__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __float__(self)
- Return a floating point value of ourselves
- __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- __iand__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation against ourselves
- __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __ilshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __imod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
- __int__(self)
- Return an integer value of ourselves
- __ior__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation against ourselves
- __ipow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for x**=y
- __irshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- __ixor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation against ourselves
- __long__(self)
- Return a long integer value of ourselves
- __lshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __pow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for pow()
- __radd__ = __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __rand__ = __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __rdiv__(self, value)
- Divide ourselves by value
- __rmod__ = __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __ror__ = __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __rpow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for rpow()
- __rshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __rsub__(self, value)
- Subscract our value from given one
- __rxor__ = __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- __sub__(self, value)
- Subscract a value
- __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- dec = __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- div = __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- inc = __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- mul = __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
Data and other attributes inherited from Integer:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>)
- initialValue = 0L
- tagId = 2
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Integer32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Integer) |
SMI INTEGER32 data type |
- Method resolution order:
- Integer32
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Integer
- Integer
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Integer
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- IntegerMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Integer:
- constraints = (<function _ValueRangeConstraint>,)
Methods inherited from Integer:
- __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __div__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __float__(self)
- Return a floating point value of ourselves
- __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- __iand__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation against ourselves
- __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __ilshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __imod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
- __int__(self)
- Return an integer value of ourselves
- __ior__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation against ourselves
- __ipow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for x**=y
- __irshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- __ixor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation against ourselves
- __long__(self)
- Return a long integer value of ourselves
- __lshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __pow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for pow()
- __radd__ = __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __rand__ = __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __rdiv__(self, value)
- Divide ourselves by value
- __rmod__ = __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __ror__ = __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __rpow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for rpow()
- __rshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __rsub__(self, value)
- Subscract our value from given one
- __rxor__ = __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- __sub__(self, value)
- Subscract a value
- __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- dec = __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- div = __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- inc = __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- mul = __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
Data and other attributes inherited from Integer:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>)
- initialValue = 0L
- tagId = 2
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class IpAddress(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, IpAddress) |
SMI IPADDRESS data type |
- Method resolution order:
- IpAddress
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- IpAddress
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- OctetString
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- OctetStringMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from IpAddress:
- constraints = (<function _ValueSizeConstraint>,)
- initialValue = ''
- tagClass = 64
- tagId = 0
Methods inherited from OctetString:
- __add__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __getitem__(self, i)
- Get string component by index or slice
- __len__(self)
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __radd__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
Data and other attributes inherited from OctetString:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'str'>,)
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Null(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Null) |
SMI NULL data type |
- Method resolution order:
- Null
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Null
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Null
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- NullMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Null:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>)
- constraints = (<pysnmp.asn1.constraints.SingleValueConstraint object>,)
- initialValue = ''
- tagId = 5
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class ObjectIdentifier(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, ObjectIdentifier) |
- Method resolution order:
- ObjectIdentifier
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- ObjectIdentifier
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- ObjectIdentifier
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- ObjectIdentifierMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Methods inherited from ObjectIdentifier:
- __add__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __delitem__(self, i)
- Delete sequence component by index or slice
- __getitem__(self, i)
- Get sequence component by index or slice
- __init__(self, value=None)
- __len__(self)
- __radd__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __setitem__(self, i, item)
- Set sub-id by index or slice with input verification
- append(self, item)
- Append sub-id with input verification
- attachNode(self, newNode, newOid=None, idx=None)
- Attach a new OID node to OIDs tree
- extend(self, item)
- Append an oid with input verification
- index(self, suboid)
- Returns index of first occurrence of given sub-identifier
- initChildNodes(self)
- Initialize possible children
- isaprefix(self, other)
- isaprefix(other) -> boolean
Compare our own OID with the other one (given as a string),
return non-None if ours is a prefix of the other OID.
This is intended to be used for MIB tables retrieval.
- match(self, subOids, offset=None)
- Compare OIDs by numeric or alias values
- resolveKeyOid(self, arg)
- searchNode(self, oid, idx=None)
- Search the tree of OIDs by name
- str2num(self, symbolicOid, aliases=None)
- str2num(symbolicOid) -> numericOid
Convert symbolic Object ID presented in a dotted form into a
numeric Object ID represented as a list of numeric sub-ID's.
- strNode(self, level=0)
- Pretty print OID tree
Data and other attributes inherited from ObjectIdentifier:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'str'>, <type 'list'>)
- initialChildren = []
- initialValue = []
- tagId = 6
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- constraints = ()
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Class methods inherited from ObjectIdentifierMixIn:
- berInternEncoding(cls, oid) from __builtin__.classobj
- Given an OID value, cache the BER encoded values for reference
Data and other attributes inherited from ObjectIdentifierMixIn:
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class ObjectName(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, ObjectIdentifier) |
Names of objects in MIB |
- Method resolution order:
- ObjectName
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- ObjectIdentifier
- ObjectIdentifier
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- ObjectIdentifier
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- ObjectIdentifierMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Methods inherited from ObjectIdentifier:
- __add__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __delitem__(self, i)
- Delete sequence component by index or slice
- __getitem__(self, i)
- Get sequence component by index or slice
- __init__(self, value=None)
- __len__(self)
- __radd__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __setitem__(self, i, item)
- Set sub-id by index or slice with input verification
- append(self, item)
- Append sub-id with input verification
- attachNode(self, newNode, newOid=None, idx=None)
- Attach a new OID node to OIDs tree
- extend(self, item)
- Append an oid with input verification
- index(self, suboid)
- Returns index of first occurrence of given sub-identifier
- initChildNodes(self)
- Initialize possible children
- isaprefix(self, other)
- isaprefix(other) -> boolean
Compare our own OID with the other one (given as a string),
return non-None if ours is a prefix of the other OID.
This is intended to be used for MIB tables retrieval.
- match(self, subOids, offset=None)
- Compare OIDs by numeric or alias values
- resolveKeyOid(self, arg)
- searchNode(self, oid, idx=None)
- Search the tree of OIDs by name
- str2num(self, symbolicOid, aliases=None)
- str2num(symbolicOid) -> numericOid
Convert symbolic Object ID presented in a dotted form into a
numeric Object ID represented as a list of numeric sub-ID's.
- strNode(self, level=0)
- Pretty print OID tree
Data and other attributes inherited from ObjectIdentifier:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'str'>, <type 'list'>)
- initialChildren = []
- initialValue = []
- tagId = 6
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- constraints = ()
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Class methods inherited from ObjectIdentifierMixIn:
- berInternEncoding(cls, oid) from __builtin__.classobj
- Given an OID value, cache the BER encoded values for reference
Data and other attributes inherited from ObjectIdentifierMixIn:
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class ObjectSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice) |
Syntax of objects in MIB |
- Method resolution order:
- ObjectSyntax
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Choice
- Choice
- ChoiceMixIn
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Choice
- ChoiceTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- ChoiceMixIn
- SingleFixedTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes defined here:
- TableSyntax = <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.TableSyntax>
- choiceComponents = [<class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.SimpleSyntax>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.ApplicationSyntax>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.TableSyntax>]
- choiceNames = ['simple_syntax', 'application_syntax', 'sequence_syntax']
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Methods inherited from ChoiceMixIn:
- apiAlphaGetCurrentComponent(self)
- apiAlphaGetTerminalValue(self)
- apiAlphaSetTerminalValue(self, value)
- getTerminal = apiAlphaGetTerminalValue(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Choice:
- tagCategory = 4
Methods inherited from ChoiceTypeAsn1Object:
- __delitem__(self, key)
- Delete component by key
- __init__(self, **kwargs)
- Store dictionary args
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- Set component by key & value
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, key)
Data and other attributes inherited from ChoiceTypeAsn1Object:
- initialComponent = None
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __getitem__(self, key)
- Return component by key
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __len__(self)
- Get length of the object
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- get(self, key, default=None)
- Lookup by key with default
- has_key(self, key)
- Return true if key exists
- items(self)
- Return a list of tuples (key, value)
- keys(self)
- Return a list of keys
- update(self, dict)
- Merge dict to ourselves
- values(self)
- Return a list of values
Data and other attributes inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- tagFormat = 32
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- allowedTypes = ()
- constraints = ()
- tagClass = 0
- tagId = None
Methods inherited from SingleFixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
- berEncodeWOutSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which do *not* have a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- berEncodeWSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which *have* a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- encode = berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
Methods inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- berUnwrapHeader(self, input)
- Decode BER header, return (data, rest)
- berWrapHeader(self, input)
- Add BER header to data chunk if needed
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class OctetString(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, OctetString) |
- Method resolution order:
- OctetString
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- OctetString
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- OctetString
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- OctetStringMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes defined here:
- constraints = (<function _ValueSizeConstraint>,)
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Methods inherited from OctetString:
- __add__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __getitem__(self, i)
- Get string component by index or slice
- __len__(self)
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __radd__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
Data and other attributes inherited from OctetString:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'str'>,)
- initialValue = ''
- tagId = 4
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Opaque(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Opaque) |
SMI Opaque object |
- Method resolution order:
- Opaque
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Opaque
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- OctetString
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- OctetStringMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes defined here:
- tagCategory = 1
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Opaque:
- tagClass = 64
- tagId = 4
Methods inherited from OctetString:
- __add__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __getitem__(self, i)
- Get string component by index or slice
- __len__(self)
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __radd__(self, other)
- Add sub-id with input verification
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
Data and other attributes inherited from OctetString:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'str'>,)
- initialValue = ''
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- constraints = ()
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Sequence(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Sequence) |
SNMP Sequence |
- Method resolution order:
- Sequence
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Sequence
- SequenceMixIn
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Sequence
- RecordTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- SequenceMixIn
- OrderedFixedTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Methods inherited from SequenceMixIn:
- apiAlphaSetSimpleComponent(self, key, value)
Data and other attributes inherited from Sequence:
- tagId = 16
Methods inherited from RecordTypeAsn1Object:
- __init__(self, **kwargs)
- Store dictionary args
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- Set component by key & value
Data and other attributes inherited from RecordTypeAsn1Object:
- fixedComponents = []
- fixedNames = []
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __getitem__(self, key)
- Return component by key
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __len__(self)
- Get length of the object
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- get(self, key, default=None)
- Lookup by key with default
- has_key(self, key)
- Return true if key exists
- items(self)
- Return a list of tuples (key, value)
- keys(self)
- Return a list of keys
- update(self, dict)
- Merge dict to ourselves
- values(self)
- Return a list of values
Data and other attributes inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- tagFormat = 32
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- allowedTypes = ()
- constraints = ()
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Methods inherited from OrderedFixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> rest
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> rest
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
- berEncodeWOutSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which do *not* have a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- berEncodeWSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which *have* a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- encode = berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
Methods inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- berUnwrapHeader(self, input)
- Decode BER header, return (data, rest)
- berWrapHeader(self, input)
- Add BER header to data chunk if needed
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class SequenceOf(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, SequenceOf) |
SNMP SequenceOf |
- Method resolution order:
- SequenceOf
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- SequenceOf
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- SequenceOf
- VariableTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- SequenceOfMixIn
- OrderedVariableTypeAsn1Object
- VariableTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from SequenceOf:
- tagId = 16
Methods inherited from VariableTypeAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __delitem__(self, idx)
- Remove object by subscription
- __getitem__(self, idx)
- Get object by subscription
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, *args)
- Store possible components
- __len__(self)
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __setitem__(self, idx, value)
- Set object by subscription
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- append(self, value)
- Append object to end
- clear(self)
- componentFactoryBorrow(self)
- componentFactoryReturn(self, *vals)
- extend(self, values)
- Extend list by appending list elements
- index(self, idx)
- insert(self, idx, value)
- Insert object before index
- pop(self, idx=None)
- Remove and return item at index (default last)
Data and other attributes inherited from VariableTypeAsn1Object:
- initialValue = []
- protoComponent = None
Data and other attributes inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- tagFormat = 32
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- allowedTypes = ()
- constraints = ()
- tagCategory = 1
- tagClass = 0
Methods inherited from VariableTypeAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, args=[])
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, args=[])
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- berUnwrapHeader(self, input)
- Decode BER header, return (data, rest)
- berWrapHeader(self, input)
- Add BER header to data chunk if needed
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class SimpleSyntax(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Choice) |
Simple (non-constructed) objects |
- Method resolution order:
- SimpleSyntax
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Choice
- Choice
- ChoiceMixIn
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Choice
- ChoiceTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- ChoiceMixIn
- SingleFixedTypeAsn1Object
- FixedTypeAsn1Object
- StructuredAsn1Object
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes defined here:
- choiceComponents = [<class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Integer>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.ObjectIdentifier>, <class pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.BitString>]
- choiceNames = ['integer_value', 'string_value', 'objectID_value', 'bit_value']
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Methods inherited from ChoiceMixIn:
- apiAlphaGetCurrentComponent(self)
- apiAlphaGetTerminalValue(self)
- apiAlphaSetTerminalValue(self, value)
- getTerminal = apiAlphaGetTerminalValue(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Choice:
- tagCategory = 4
Methods inherited from ChoiceTypeAsn1Object:
- __delitem__(self, key)
- Delete component by key
- __init__(self, **kwargs)
- Store dictionary args
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- Set component by key & value
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, key)
Data and other attributes inherited from ChoiceTypeAsn1Object:
- initialComponent = None
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __getitem__(self, key)
- Return component by key
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __len__(self)
- Get length of the object
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- get(self, key, default=None)
- Lookup by key with default
- has_key(self, key)
- Return true if key exists
- items(self)
- Return a list of tuples (key, value)
- keys(self)
- Return a list of keys
- update(self, dict)
- Merge dict to ourselves
- values(self)
- Return a list of values
Data and other attributes inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- tagFormat = 32
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- allowedTypes = ()
- constraints = ()
- tagClass = 0
- tagId = None
Methods inherited from SingleFixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
Methods inherited from FixedTypeAsn1Object:
- berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
- berEncodeWOutSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which do *not* have a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- berEncodeWSub(self)
- berEncodeWSub() -> octet string
For classes which *have* a _berEncode only!
This should be bound by a metaclass on looking
at the final class, *not* as is done now by
binding at time-of-use.
- encode = berEncode(self)
- Choose optimised version of berEncode for this class
Methods inherited from StructuredAsn1Object:
- berUnwrapHeader(self, input)
- Decode BER header, return (data, rest)
- berWrapHeader(self, input)
- Add BER header to data chunk if needed
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class TimeTicks(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, TimeTicks) |
SMI TimeTicks object |
- Method resolution order:
- TimeTicks
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- TimeTicks
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Integer
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- IntegerMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from TimeTicks:
- constraints = (<function _ValueRangeConstraint>,)
- tagClass = 64
- tagId = 3
Methods inherited from Integer:
- __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __div__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __float__(self)
- Return a floating point value of ourselves
- __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- __iand__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation against ourselves
- __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __ilshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __imod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
- __int__(self)
- Return an integer value of ourselves
- __ior__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation against ourselves
- __ipow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for x**=y
- __irshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- __ixor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation against ourselves
- __long__(self)
- Return a long integer value of ourselves
- __lshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __pow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for pow()
- __radd__ = __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __rand__ = __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __rdiv__(self, value)
- Divide ourselves by value
- __rmod__ = __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __ror__ = __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __rpow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for rpow()
- __rshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __rsub__(self, value)
- Subscract our value from given one
- __rxor__ = __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- __sub__(self, value)
- Subscract a value
- __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- dec = __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- div = __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- inc = __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- mul = __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
Data and other attributes inherited from Integer:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>)
- initialValue = 0L
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
class Unsigned32(ProtoVersionId2cMixIn, Gauge32) |
SMI Unsigned32 data type |
- Method resolution order:
- Unsigned32
- ProtoVersionId2cMixIn
- ProtoVersionIdMixInBase
- Gauge32
- Gauge
- ProtoVersionId1MixIn
- Integer
- SimpleAsn1Object
- Asn1Object
- IntegerMixIn
- SimpleAsn1Object
- BerObject
Data and other attributes inherited from ProtoVersionId2cMixIn:
- apiAlphaProtoVersionId = 1
Methods inherited from ProtoVersionIdMixInBase:
- apiAlphaGetProtoVersionId(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Gauge:
- constraints = (<function _ValueRangeConstraint>,)
- tagClass = 64
- tagId = 2
Methods inherited from Integer:
- __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __div__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __float__(self)
- Return a floating point value of ourselves
- __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- __iand__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation against ourselves
- __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- __ilshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __imod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
- __int__(self)
- Return an integer value of ourselves
- __ior__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation against ourselves
- __ipow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for x**=y
- __irshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- __ixor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation against ourselves
- __long__(self)
- Return a long integer value of ourselves
- __lshift__(self, value)
- Perform left shift operation
- __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __pow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for pow()
- __radd__ = __add__(self, value)
- Add a value
- __rand__ = __and__(self, value)
- Perform binary AND operation
- __rdiv__(self, value)
- Divide ourselves by value
- __rmod__ = __mod__(self, value)
- Take a modulo of ourselves
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value
- __ror__ = __or__(self, value)
- Perform binary OR operation
- __rpow__(self, value, modulo)
- Provision for rpow()
- __rshift__(self, value)
- Perform right shift operation
- __rsub__(self, value)
- Subscract our value from given one
- __rxor__ = __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- __sub__(self, value)
- Subscract a value
- __xor__(self, value)
- Perform binary XOR operation
- dec = __isub__(self, value)
- Subscract value from ourselves
- div = __idiv__(self, value)
- Divide a value by ourselves
- inc = __iadd__(self, value)
- Add value to ourselves
- mul = __imul__(self, value)
- Multiply a value to ourselves
Data and other attributes inherited from Integer:
- allowedTypes = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>)
- initialValue = 0L
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Attempt to compare the payload of instances of the same class
- __hash__(self)
- Returns hash of the payload value
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Store ASN.1 value
- __nonzero__(self)
- Returns true if value is true
- __repr__(self)
- Return native representation of instance payload
- __str__(self)
- Return string representation of class instance
- componentFactoryBorrow(self, value=None)
- get(self)
- Get a value from object
- getTerminal(self)
- set(self, value)
- Set a value to object
Data and other attributes inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- NORMAL_STATIC_TYPES = (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'NoneType'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'tuple'>)
- tagFormat = 0
Methods inherited from Asn1Object:
- getUnderlyingTag(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from Asn1Object:
- tagCategory = 1
Methods inherited from SimpleAsn1Object:
- berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
- decode = berDecode(self, input)
- berDecode(input) -> (value, rest)
BER decode input (octet string) into ASN1 object payload,
return the rest of input stream.
- encode = berEncode(self, value=None)
- berEncode() -> octet string
BER encode object payload whenever possible
Methods inherited from BerObject:
- berDecodeLength(self, input)
- berDecodeLength(input) -> (length, size)
Return the data item's length (integer) and the size of length
data (integer).
- berEncodeLength(self, length)
- berEncodeLength(length) -> octet string
BER encode ASN.1 data item length (integer).
- berEncodeTag(self, (tagClass, tagFormat, tagId)=(None, None, None))
- BER encode ASN.1 type tag
| |